As digital marketing has evolved, the ability for businesses to reach potential prospects has increased. Today, businesses have access to vast amounts of data and information using advertising tools such as Google Adwords (and Display Network), Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Snapchat.

This allows businesses to reach very specific audiences based on data such as Age, Location, Gender, Family Status, Employment Status (including Company Size, Industry, Job Roles and Seniority) as well as an individual's interests and hobbies.

Based on an intensive discovery session with your key executives, our team will identify the right target audience and persona groups for your products and services. We'll also work with you to clearly define your sales processes in order to identify prospects at each stage of your sales funnel.

We'll then create a series of digital marketing campaigns that will directly target the persona groups.

Once we target the right type of prospect for your business, our team will help to nurture these prospects for you, until such point that they are ready to speak to your sales team.

Your team will then receive a live notification to call the prospect and follow up on the sales lead.

At each stage of the sales process, our team will guide you to make sure that sales and marketing processes are fully aligned for maximum effectiveness.